brown rock chat in asia

brown rock chat
brown rock chat
brown rock chat
brown rock chat

Brown Rock Chat
The Brown Rock Chat is a minor sized passerine and both the sexes of this specie appear similar in the field around the world specially in Pakistan and India. Size of Brown rock chat is between 16 cm to 18 cm. They have plain grey or brown upper parts and paler under parts. The brown on the undersides grades into a dark grey-brown vent.

Plain chocolate-brown chat, often seen standing tall and proud on ridges, cliff edges, and buildings. Female Indian Robin can be slightly similar; note Brown Rock Chat’s proportionally shorter tail and lack of a Rufus vent. Lovely song is composed of warbles and trills. Eight different kinds of calls have been noted and these include territorial calls, begging call, feeding call, alarm call, threat call, contact call, distress call, roosting and emergence calls. Most common call is a slightly descending “chee.”

brown rock chat
brown rock chat

This beautifully bird (Oenanthe fusca) or Indian chat is a species of the family Muscicapidae. It is found mainly in northern and central India and the maximum upper area of Pakistan like Punjab and kpk. It occurs in 5 or 6 different cities. 4 of these being Islamabad, Chakwal, Lahore and Faisalabad. It is often found in June to September on old buildings and rocky areas. It resembles a female Indian robin but lacks the reddish vent and differs in posture and behavior apart from being larger. In flight it bears some resemblance to thrushes and redstarts. It feeds on insects, captured mainly on the earth. It was formerly placed as the sole species in the genus Cercomela but is now included with the wheatears in the genus Oenanthe. The breeding season is between Februarys to July. Nest is cup shaped, and constructed by grass, hair and clods placed in a ledge in a roadside cutting, wall or window even making use of occupied houses. Eggs 3 to 4, pale blue with rusty & spots and incubated by the female alone. The young leave the nest after about 15 days after hatching.