Pakistani culture and bail race is dying due to lumpy skin dieses ( karah jalsa 2022)

lumpy skin dieses

Former back is breaking

Bulls Culture is dieing

Save culture save animals

Chakwal district is that region of the country where if one wants something more than his wealth, he is appreciated and loved, and then he is the son of the rich generation.

bail race

This bulls race (bail race, karah jalsa) is very powerful and beautiful. When the thorn of Pure Dhani is tied to the fort of a landowner, the proud and noble pride of the landowner is separated and the common an
d special people of our land give this landowner a unique status and honor. See with the eyes of

Regarding mentions in the entire district of Chakwal and the surrounding districts, if we talk about an average, in any hobby and sector, the most in our Chuhal Chowk, Bethak Bazar, Khet Khulyan, Chowkah, if anything would be mentioned and discussed by the majority.

 If so, it is the well-known bull (tooth).

jalsa bail karah

But now the tragedy is that our region along with the whole country is in the grip of animal disease. According to the reports so far, the bulls of prominent farmers and cultural personalities have died in a few days, among them our brother Chairman Chaudhry Arshad Nazar Chakmalok, Chaudhry. Baz Khan of Mari, Malik Latif of Diwal, Chaudhry Nadeem Gursian, Chaudhry Benares of Sigyal, Malik Abdul Khaliq of Adilka, are included. The total assets of our landlords are these animals. There is economic loss

bull race

I would politely request the district administration and local rulers to please wake up, our landlord is dying, get out of the AC, and our culture is being destroyed.  And do some actions according to the situation  on an emergency basis. It is too late. Get out. Come into action. Enact a veterinary health emergency.

Speed ​​up the vaccination process

Dispatch teams to each village

To inform the public about the causes and prevention of epidemic diseases

Remember, it is commonly said that a landlord is a king

So, a king's discipline and discipline are also perfect, but when a king's discipline and discipline are broken, then it becomes impossible to bind.

bull race
bull race

This dieing culture need special attention .

Journalist community, social organizations, political groups, contacts the authorities at their respective levels and inform them about the situation

Social media groups and media activists Conduct regular awareness campaigns Inquire from management about developments on a daily basis.